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Changala Aussies
Miniature American Shepherds
This beautiful litter of seven was born December 26th 2014. They are by first time mom Sugar and Frankie. This is and outstanding litter of puppies! They were born and raised in my living room, and they get a lot of love and attention daily. These babies are very calm and gentle like their parents. They will be ready for their forever homes when they are 8 weeks old. Please feel free to contact me anytime for more info on this amazing litter.
Female #1
This gorgeous girl is one of the smallest and sweetest in the litter! She has a beautiful red merle coat, copper, four white feet, two blue marbled eyes, and face blaze. She is very laid back and go with the flow. She will be a toy, or very small mini.
Female #2
This awesome girl is a super sharp little cowdog. She has a beautiful blue merle coat, copper, four white feet, and face blaze. She is probably the most mellow in the bunch. I love holding this precious girl. She always looks for people to love on!
Female #3
This gorgeous girl is one of the smallest in the litter! She is a beautiful black tri with copper, four white feet, and face blaze. She is very quiet, but very playful. She loves attention and will sleep in your arms forever! She will be a toy, or a very small mini.
Reserved for breeding
Male #1
This amazing guy is the flashyest pup in the litter. Exceptional coloring, blue merle coat, super copper, four white feet, face blaze, lots of white on his neck and chest, and two blue marbled eyes. He has a personality to match. Loves attention and is super playful and outgoing. He looks like he'll be a small mini.
Male #2
This handsome boy looks like his grandpa Kevin. Stellar red merle coat, four white tips on his feet, face blaze, and one marbled eye. He is one of the biggest pups in the litter. He has a thick frame and a very calm, loving demeanor!
Male #3
This sweet little man is the smallest in the litter. He is absolutely precious! Very calm and quiet and loves being held. Black tri coat with four white tips on his feet, copper, and a nice face blaze. He will be small, but he has lots of bone, nice frame, and a ton of coat.
Male #4
This little man is very kind and playful. He has a black tri coat, three white feet, copper, and a face stripe. He is one of the sweetest and most adventurous babies in the litter. He loves attention and has an outgoing playful nature.
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